About Us
NECARF is a non-profit independent body of Lay Catholics of north east region, a forum of excellence in pursuit of knowledge and knowledge dissemination, which continually responds to changing social realities through publications and discourses. It is a Forum engaging in socio-economic-culture domains that promotes and protects human dignity and mutual sharing, a platform through which different worldviews are synchronized. NECARF aims to encourage
- Scientific temper and promote scholarly work among Catholic Scholars in their inquiry into secular and spiritual related topics which may have direct or indirect implications on the functioning of the Church in the region.
- Take up research activities on social, economic and culture topics, with special emphasis on lives of people in North East region.
- Publication of Newsletter/Magazine/Journal for public reading, and to encourage young and budding writers to express opinion through writing.
- To Serve as a Think Tank for the Catholic Church in the region, sharing of knowledge and providing guidance to young Catholic researchers of the region,
- To conduct Workshops, Seminars and Symposiums on contemporary issues to encourage free and fair expression of views/opinions
- NECARF shall respond to request for suggestions from the Church, whenever sought for, on issues that may require opinion from Lay people.
Current Articles
Opinion | Articles | Victor Ferrao
The number theory is profoundly educative. Some of the mathematicians call it as the queen of mathematics. Within the numbers, the Greek identified the prime numbers. Indian mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920), made great contributions to nu.....
Current Updates | NE Brief | NECARF Rep
Bishop George Pallipparambil of Miao ordained father Vincent Rangwang in an impressive ceremony at Lazu Parish in Tirap district of Arunachal Pradesh on October 10, 2022. Father Rangwang is the first Catholic priest from the Ollo community, and the third .....
Opinion | Articles | Desmond L. Kharmawphlang
The connection between memory and culture cannot be overemphasized. In oral cultures memory functions as an instrument that does not only connect the present with the past but that which makes sense of the world and its myriad dimensions. Humans require m.....
Opinion | People's Edit | Joseph M Thohrii
“One Woman Can Change anything, Many women can change everything”
-Tony Moririson
In this 21st century, to be a woman in India is a challenge. Looking and studying the present scenario of women in India, she has to battle hard and fight an uncertain.....
Opinion | Articles | Benjamin Chang
The seed of Catholic faith was sown in Zhavame village on 18th October, 1964 when a group of traders Mr. Akha, Mr. Tho-o, Mr. Theba and Mr. Thesii came across Mr. Panii of Liyai village from Mao Parish on their journey to Imphal. They embraced the Catholi.....